Best Natural Weight Loss Diet
Paleolithic diets are the best weight-loss diets. The best foods for weight loss are the kind our ancestors ate.
These diets are superb for health and maximum fat loss!
Here is the source of the problem: We are creatures of the Pleistocene [a prehistorical era] who have developed Holocene [the historical era] habits.
The best weight loss diet consists of eating the Pleistocene kinds of low-carb food our ancestors ate, which are natural for us to eat.
You are about to learn what foods to eat on a natural weight loss diet.
This diet is known as the 'the Paleolithic diet,' the 'Paleo diet,' the 'Paleotech diet,' the 'hunter-gatherer diet,' the 'caveman diet,' the 'Stone Age diet,' the 'warrior diet,' the 'Neanderthal diet,' the 'high protein diet,' the 'allergy elimination diet,' and so on.
Do not be confused! All are attempts to describe what our prehistoric, hunter-gatherer (forager) human ancestors ate.
An explanation is a causal account of how something came to be the way that it is. We don't know the explanation for how we came to be the way we are; furthermore, nobody else does either.
4 Reasons for a Paleolithic Diet
- First, in our modern world, we are too stressed. This can lead to emotional eating, overeating, carb addiction, or consuming too many processed (refined) carbohydrates.
- Second, many of us do not think effectively about improving our health on a long-term base. In the "Psychology" section of the website, we provide clear guidance for focusing your thinking.
- Third, neither do we move as much as we should; we simply don't exercise as much as our ancestors did. We show you how to rectify this in the "Exercise," "Fitness Walking," "Strength," and other relevant sections of the website.
- Fourth, we eat too many of the wrong kinds of foods. To lose weight and achieve lasting weight loss, we should return to eating a natural weight loss diet similar to the kind our ancestors ate. The "Paleolithic Diet" will enable you to do just that.
Paleolithic Diet: Meet Your Ancestors
- The Pleistocene is the geological epoch that started 1,640,000 years ago and ended just 10,000 years ago. It occurred before recorded history. Nearly all human evolution occurred during the Pleistocene.
- The Holocene is the geological era that started 10,000 years ago and continues to the present. This era includes all recorded history.
- As physical environments change, plants and animals must also change in order to survive and reproduce. Evolution is the idea of descent with cumulative genetic modification.
- These modifications are due to natural selection (which adapts species to their environments), sexual selection (which shapes each sex in relation to the other sex), and various random processes (such as genetic mutation).
- Though it's a much greater span of time than most of us think about in our daily lives, it's important to think about our ancestors as they lived over 10,000 years ago. Why? In terms of the evolution of our genes, it's not that long ago.
- In fact, less than 1/10th of 1% of our genes have changed in the last 10,000 years! In other words, your body is extremely similar to the bodies of your ancestors. This is why the kinds of food our ancestors ate make the best natural weight loss diet.
- A band is a social group of hunter-gatherers that occupies a local territory. Usually, bands have about 20 members. (They may have twice that number, but they never have had more than ten times that number.)
- During the Pleistocene, all humans or proto-humans lived in bands. Your ancestors neither farmed nor herded animals. Like those of other primates, these bands were small and mobile.
Paleolithic woman gathering berries
- In a band females typically raise children and collect water, food, and firewood.
- The food they gather is usually vegetables (including some root vegetables or tubers), fruits (including berries and nuts), eggs, and, sometimes, small animals and fish.
- In a band males typically compete by playing games of status such as hunting, warfare, and shamanism or religion.
- Our Pleistocene ancestors originally came from sub-Saharan Africa. Like today, their physical environment was a mixture of forest, scrub, and open savanna.
- There were wet and dry seasons. There were hot days and cool nights. There were many herds of hoofed animals, their predators, smaller animals, and, of course, insects.
- It was probably not a bad place to make a living. Adults may have "worked" only twenty or thirty hours weekly.
- It's likely that they had a lot more leisure than many people have today. Our ancestors were the longest-lived mammals on Earth, so the daily risk of death was small.
- Illnesses were brought about usually by injury or starvation. Predators would have taken the very young, the very old, the very sick, or the very foolish.
- Survival wasn't the biggest problem, and they probably didn't worry much about it.
- Probably, like other great apes, they worried a lot more about social and sexual problems. Typically, their lives would have been, by our standards, somewhat boring.
- Since they lived outdoors on a perpetual camping trip, our ancestors got a lot of exercise.
Paleolithic man cooking on an open fire
- They fueled that exercise by eating, possibly, several pounds of vegetables and fruits daily and, when it was available, perhaps a pound of flesh foods (including internal organs like the liver, brain, and marrow from long bones).
- That really was the best natural weight loss diet and lifestyle in the sense that being overweight or obese was never a problem.
- Their Paleolithic diet consisted of fats, proteins, and natural (unrefined, unprocessed) carbohydrates.
- Our Pleistocene ancestors ate very little or no salt. Instead of products full of sugar and flour, they ate no processed carbohydrates. They had no chocolate and no beer, wine, or spirits.
They are no cereal grains. They consumed no dairy products.
It's important not to emphasize hunting too much when thinking about Pleistocene nutrition.
Anthropologists have determined that in most hunter-gatherer societies women provide most of the daily sustenance. They efficiently gather plant foods as well as small game animals.
The truth is that men frequently come back from hunting without any meat.
Remember that our African ancestors evolved with large game animals, which means that these animals were not easy prey to bring down. Success rates were less than 10% daily. Women provided daily sustenance.
Imagine back 50,000 or 60,000 years. Think of how our homo sapiens ancestors lived. In any reasonably rich food environment, they were at least as tall as we are.
Those ancestors were stronger, leaner, and fitter than we are.
They had the very best diet; it was wholly natural and healthy. They not only ate better than we do, but they also exercised more than we do.
Physically, not many of us would have matched up to them!
Paleolithic Diet Weight Loss Foods
- Which foods are included in the natural weight loss diet? That is easy: the best weight loss diet consists of eating only the natural foods that our Pleistocene ancestors ate frequently.
- The best natural weight loss diet should come from a wide variety of foods from plants and (unless you are vegetarian) animals. The plant foods are vegetables and fruits (including nuts and berries).
- For fresh vegetables, you may include asparagus, beets, beet greens, bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, green onions, kale, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, red onions, parsley, peppers, pumpkin, radish, spinach, turnips and turnip greens, and watercress.
Starchy root vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, or yams, are excluded.
- For fresh fruits (dried fruits are excluded) you may include apples, apricots, bananas, berries of all kinds, cantaloupe, cherries, figs, grapefruit, grapes, lemons, limes, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papaya, passion fruit, pineapple, plums, pomegranate, tangerines, tomatoes, and watermelons.
- The animal foods are meat (including internal organs), fish, and eggs.
- Which diet is not a natural weight loss diet? That is also easy: a diet consisting of foods that our Pleistocene ancestors did not eat.
- Our hunting-gathering ancestors never (or almost never) ate cereal grains or products made from cereal grains, dairy products or products made using dairy products, or legumes (such as peanuts), or products made from legumes (such as peanut butter or tofu).
These are not part of a natural weight loss diet.
- It is not necessary to eat exactly as our Pleistocene ancestors did to achieve lasting weight loss, but it is extremely helpful to eat much more as they did. They had a healthy diet, which is a balanced, natural weight loss diet.
- The natural way to achieve natural weight loss also involves moving (exercising) more like they did. Therefore, we should exercise more as they did and adopt a diet more like theirs, which would be, for us, a weight loss diet.
- You may notice how frequently a Paleolithic diet is used nowadays in the treatment of many illnesses.
- It makes sense to use a Paleolithic diet throughout life in order to prevent many illnesses. In other words, a Paleolithic diet isn't just good for natural weight loss, it also promotes health.
- Why not take advantage of it? Why not test out the natural weight loss diet for yourself? It really does work.
- The natural weight loss diet does not merely require a shift in our thinking; it requires permanent changes in our behavior. The word 'diet' on this website does not mean 'temporary reducing diet.'
- Temporary reducing diets do not promote lasting weight loss.
- The Paleolithic diet that we advocate is not a 'diet.' It is a change of eating habits. The free program presented here on our website is a conservative one.
- It is wholly natural!
- In fact, if we were to return deliberately to many behaviors that were commonplace for humans 20,000 or 60,000 years ago, achieving permanent weight loss and better health would be automatic!
Paleolithic Diet Curbs Food Addiction
The Three Most Troublesome Foods
- If you were severely allergic to certain kinds of foods, you'd probably know it.
- However, you may be mildly allergic or have an intolerance to certain kinds of foods without knowing it.
- This can seriously affect your ability to lose weight. A natural Paleolithic diet can cure that problem.
- When we eat foods that don't agree with us, our bodies try to calm the irritation by releasing powerful chemicals to soothe us.
- If we nevertheless continue to eat those foods, we can become addicted to those chemicals!
- Do you ever crave candy bars, chocolate, or hard candy loaded with sugar? Do you ever crave cow's milk products like milk, sour cream, or ice cream?
- Do you ever crave grain-based foods like bread, bagels, pasta, or noodles?
- If so, you may suffer from food intolerances that are causing physical problems including weight gain.
(1) Grains are not part of a natural weight loss diet or a Paleolithic diet.
If you have CRAVINGS for bread, pasta, cake, or other products made from grains, you may actually be allergic to them. You may have a masked (hidden) addictive allergy.
The cereal grains we consume today (in particular, wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, sorghum, and millet) were hybridized from a family of wild grasses.
Since the seeds of the wild grasses were much smaller than today's domesticated versions and were very difficult to harvest, our ancestors probably only ate them in extreme conditions to avoid starvation.
These grains are difficult for all humans to digest. Especially for those of us with northern European ancestors, one in four of us are genetically vulnerable to celiac disease, which is a severe reaction to gluten-containing grains.
Gluten intolerance is a milder form of the problem. Of the gluten-containing grains, wheat is the most problematic by far. Even if you don't have obvious adverse reactions to wheat, we do not recommend that you eat very much of it.
Where should you get most of your carbs?
From vegetables and fruits as your ancestors did; these are part of the best weight loss diet.
Although we do not recommend it, if you are confident that they don't bother you too much, you may supplement those natural sources of carbs--but don't use wheat. Instead, consider legumes; plain, steel-cut oatmeal; or brown rice. However, they are not part of the Paleolithic diet.
Above all, wheat should not be included in a natural weight loss diet or a Paleolithic diet.
(2) Milk is not part of a natural weight loss diet or a Paleolithic diet.
Humans have no difficulty digesting human breast milk and can sometimes digest milk from goats or sheep.
Products from cow's milk, though, are another story. They are not part of a natural weight loss diet.
If you drink lots of cow's milk or have CRAVINGS for cheese, ice cream, or yogurt, you may actually be allergic to them. You may have a masked (hidden) addictive allergy.
The problem may come from milk sugar (lactose) or milk protein. It's easy to test: just totally eliminate all of them from your diet for fourteen days.
You might be astounded at how much better you feel.
Even if you seem to tolerate them well, it is a good idea to minimize the use of cow's milk products.
Especially in childhood, they may lead to lots of serious problems including diabetes, heart disease, infant anemia, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, infertility, and asthma.
Milk should not be included in a natural weight loss diet or a Paleolithic diet.
(3) Sugar is not part of a natural weight loss diet or a Paleolithic diet.
Many of us have significant reactions to sugar.
Sugar can cause standard reactions such as any of the following:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Mood swings
- Irritability
- Feelings of hopelessness
- headaches
- Joint pains
- Lack of energy
- Hyperactivity
Alcohol is sugar's cousin. It can cause hangovers, headaches, irritability, mood and energy swings, and agitation—and so can sugar!
If you have CRAVINGS for sweets, you may be allergic to sugar. Whether you are allergic to sugar or not, be assured that sugar is very hard on your body.
Sugar should not be included in a natural weight loss diet or a Paleolithic diet.
News About the Paleolithic Diet
The best way to stop food cravings is on a weight loss diet.
Good news for carb addicts: If you have addictions to foods and permanently adopt a natural weight loss diet more like the Paleolithic diet of your ancestors, you will quickly feel better, no longer crave those foods, and be healthier.
More good news: If you adopt a natural weight loss diet more like the Paleolithic diet your ancestors had and begin to move (exercise) more like they did, you will not only lose weight, you will be on your way to permanent weight loss.